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Family picture

My mom's name is Jodi and she works as the Elementary Librarian at Webster Area School. She is always there when I need her and supports me in everything I do. My dad's name is Dari and he is the Day County Assessor and a farmer. He is my biggest supporter and always pushes me to do my best. Mom and Dad

Carrie and Ross Carrie is my older sister and she was recently married to my new brother-in-law, Ross. Carrie is currently a vocal music teacher in Miller, but is teaching in Webster next year. Ross is currently an employee at Wheat Growers in Bristol.

Jared is my younger brother and is currently an 8th grader in school. He spends most of his time playing Xbox and being a pain in my neck. He also plays football, basketball, and runs & throws in track. Jared

Toby Toby is my 10 year old Britney Spaniel. We got him when I was in third grade. He is supposed to be a hunting dog. He is an amazing pointer, but a horrible retriever. He is an avid squirrel chaser and rabbit pursuing enthusiast.

These are my cats. I raised most of them from kittens and consider them family. I currently have 11 of them. Their names are Rumbles, Chloe, Po, Skid, Peanut, Pumpkin, Jake, Nala, Oliver, Ceasar, and Panther. Their hobbies include eating, sleeping, hunting, and being annoying.

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