       As time flies by, the future almost seems to be getting nearer and nearer to the present. Graduation
  is coming sooner than I thought and it only makes me wonder if all my goals and dreams will come true.
About Me
          Graduation Day                                                                      College baby:)
      I will graduate from                                                    I'm not sure where I am going to college yet
   Webster Area Highschool
                                         but I am for sure going! To get my masters degree
        in May 2012.                                                                                 in pre-dentistry.
                  Flight Attendant                                                                 Dentist:)
   Before I go to dental school, I really want to                 I plan to pursue a degree in dentistry either
   become a stewardess for a few years while                   for an orthodontist, dentist, or dental hygienist.  
           working on my aviation license.                                     
     What most people don't understand is that I do not want to get married or have kids.
This is why I plan to quit school for those few years, travel, do what I want, and not
have to worry about leaving a family behind. I have my whole life to just do me. Plus, I'd
rather be the cool aunt than a boring mom that regrets having kids.