State Convention 2011

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The 83rd South Dakota annual FFA State Convention was held April 10th-12th at SDSU in Brookings. The following winners are:

Garth Dunlavy - State Farmer

Danny Zenk - Star placement finalist

Ag Mechanics: Ryan Shepherd 4th place individual

1st place Agronomy team: Danny Zenk 2nd place individual, Luke Meland 4th place individual, Landon Kuecker 8th place individual and Garth Dunlavy.

2nd Place Dairy Cattle team: Jacob Siglin 6th place individual

9th place Natural Resource team: Joey Lesnar, Evan Johnson, Mark Meland, and Adam Wegleitner

Food science: Megan Nelson 8th place individual

Ag Processing placement: Olivia Siglin 1st place

Diversified Ag production: Danny Zenk 1st place

Diversified Crop production: Landon Kuecker 1st place

Equine science: Bobbie Jo Hommel 3rd place

Forest Management: Adam Wegleitner 2nd place and Travis Larson 1st place

Nursery Operations: Danny Zenk 2nd place

State Degrees: Adam Wegleitner, Garth Dunlavy, Olivia Siglin, Bobbie Jo Hommel, Landon Kuecker, Danny Zenk, Drew Wolter, and Shane Woodell

State FFA reporter: Olivia Siglin