Chapter Events
About FFA
Meet the Officers
Lesson Plans
FFA Farm
Photo Gallery
Chapter Events
FFA Week
Pics from the Past

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Some events that Webster Area FFA Chapter participates in throughout the year are:


January Setting up for and selling SDSU ice cream at the Farm, Home, & Sport Show
District Officer training and Legislative Breakfast (District Officers)
Advisory Council meeting
District meeting: State Degree applications due, Star interviews
February Proficiency Awards are due!
FFA Week Activities:
Dress Up Day, Wheelchair Basketball, Animal Nursery, Faculty Breakfast
Corduroy Classic
March Redfield CDE
Chapter Banquet
Groton CDE
Lennox CDE
April Little I CDE
State Convention!
May Plant the FFA Farm
Sign up for/Organize summer activities
National Range Judging Contest in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma!
June SAE Visits by Mr. Zenk
Range & Soils Days
Washington Leadership Conference
July Chapter Lake Day
Leadership Camp
FFA Day with the Twins at Target Field, Minneapolis
August Advisory Council meeting
September Region Range & Soils judging contests
Work at State Fair Ag Learning Center/animal nursery (District Officers)
October National Convention, in Indianapolis!
November Jackrabbit Invitational (Leadership CDEs)
District Leadership CDE at Lake Area Tech, in Watertown
December Christmas Party
Christmas tree at the Courthouse
State Leadership CDEs in Pierre