Jackrabbit Invite


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This year we had two teams as well as three individuals participate in the Jackrabbit Invite,
held in Brookings on November 4th, 2010. 

The Ag Communications team included Jaime Sichmeller, Megan Nelson, Chelsea Ryan, Bretni Sichmeller, and Katie Kampa. The Ag Issues team was Ryan Skadsen, Preston Hansmeier, Philipp Hollenhorst, Jacob Siglin, Evan Johnson, and Laren Johnson.
Individuals that competed included Shala Larson, tie for 12th in Ag Broadcasting; Jaime Sichmeller, 9th in Extemporaneous Speaking; and Olivia Siglin, 5th in Extemporaneous Speaking, 8th in Job Interview, and 3rd in Ag Broadcasting.