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Webster sent
three delegates
to attend National Convention, the delegates were Shala Larson, Evan
Johnson and Preston Hansmier. They rode the District 2 bus down to
Indianapolis, Indiana. There was stop in Waterlou, Iowa to tour the John
Deere Plant. Other touring done while at National Covention was at the
Indianapolis Derby Downs! Also, we had a Agronomy team of Landon
Kuecker, Garth Dunlavy, Luke Meland and Danny Zenk brought down my Mr.
Zenk to compete at a national level.
The four that rode with Mr. Zenk touring in Iowa! Iowa Vet Tour - Sichmeller twins, Hayley, and Andy Olivia and Hollie going to the Lady Antebellum Concert Olivia in a Minute-To-Win-It challenge! Olivia and the Florence kids Andy on stage as a National Proficiency finalist in grain production! Andy, Hayley, Kelli, and Mecarte in front of the Oscar Mayer weiner mobile! The Sichmeller twins with Cheesasaurus Rex :) Andy, Kelli, Mecarte, and Hayley riding the elevator
The four that rode with Mr. Zenk touring in Iowa!