10 Facts About Me
1. I am originally from Webster, but I lived in North Dakota for 5 years.
2.I live in the country and have a dog, 11 goats, 3 cats, chickens, and a horse.
3. My friends are like a little family, and I'm blessed to have them all watching out for me.
4. I live in Eden, and I absolutely love living in a town of 97 where everyone knows my name.
5. I'm planning on attending the University of South Dakota next year as a Pre-Medicine Major.
6. My family is really close. My siblings and I usually get along really well and I can always depend on them.
7.  I hate cooking and my life goal to to make enough money to hire a private cook to make me food.
8. My dream vehicle is a jacked up truck that has a really good sound system, but I actually drive a little Ford Focus because I spend too much money on gas as it is.
9. My favorite season is summer because I love the sun and warmth.
10. I drive 30 minutes to school every day and I usually have the radio turned up all the way especially if I am alone.