I have a total of 6 people in my family! My dad Barry, my mom Mary, my brothers Joey and Chris, my sister Chelsey, and MYSELF! My dad owns his own car business. I have to say my dad and I are on the same page all the time. He's always there for me when I need him to be. My mom is a RN (registered nurse) at Sanford hospital. My mom looks out for so many people, including me 24/7. She's the one that keeps me in line everyday. My oldest brother Joey is a RN (registered nurse) at the VA (The US Department of Veterans Affairs). Joey and I have our differences all the time, I know we always have eachother's back. My other brother Chris is a technician at Daktronics. Chris and I have a lot of the same characteristics like: being tall, and quoting movies. I know that he will always have my back just like Joey. My only sister Chelsey is a Cosmetologist. She's my best friend, she's there for me whenever I need her. I guess you could say she's my twin! Through all the ups and downs, my family will be there. I love them all so much! :)