I have a total of 5 people in my family! My dad Larry, my mom Jodi, my brother Logan, my sister Janessa, and of course ME!  My dad is a farmer; he is a very caring person.  He always knows how to make you laugh; whether he is playing a trick on you, or changing up a story to make it sound interesting!  My mom manages 3 motels from our house.  She is always there for me and is making sure I am doing what I am suppose to be doing all the time!   Logan is my only brother, he is 19 years old and currently attends the University of Minnesota and is a wrestler there.  He is going to school for business.  Even though Logan and I may have our differences at the end of the day we always have each other's back.  Janessa is 10 years old and is in the fourth grade. She is quite a character most of the time; although we may fight quite a bit, we also have our good times. We also have a family dog named Pepper. Overall I love my family very much and would not know what to do without them! :)