25 Random Facts about me!

1. I hate hair when I have no idea who's it is.

2. I haven't always been a red head.

3. I hate peppermint patties, but my favorite sound in the world is when you break a peppermint patty in half.

4. I can lick my elbow and my nose.

5. I use to pretend I was married to Harry Potter when me and my sisters would play house.

6. I love getting caught in the rain, and I love thunderstorms with a passion.

 7. I am a very good at fake sneezing.

8. I have been run over with a four wheeler by Bretni.

9. It took me 2 years after hunter's safety to shoot a gun because I was so scared I would break my shoulder.

10. I love mud but when it dries on me I freak out and I hate it.

11. When the volume is changed on the radio or the TV the number it is changed to has to end in a 0 or a 5 or it has to be one of my favorite numbers (12,18, or 28) otherwise my hands itch very bad.

12. I like the smell of old basements.

13. If I wake up in the middle of the night and I have a text I will respond to it and not realize what time it was until the next day.

14. I love unripe bananas.

15. I love funny commercials and sometimes rewind them and watch them over and over.

16. I have moved 7 times and have been to 6 different schools.

17. I cant sleep with any doors open.

18. I don't mind reading in front of crowds but I hate walking in front of them.

19. I am a very good actor, when it comes to fake crying or fainting or being mad.

20. I can't sleep with one leg out of my covers because I automatically assume there will be a monster that will grab it.

21. I have trouble running if my sleeves are touching my hands.

22. I pop my fingers when I am running.

23. I can not stand it when people hate me, I become obsessed with trying to get them to like me.

24. I have 3 different scars on my forehead, and I have hit one of the scars 3 different times.

25. Sometimes I hum and I dont even realize it.